Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dr. Time

Had quite the scare yesterday. Starting having sharp pain where my kidney is. Pretty much thought my aneurysm was rupturing. Went and checked my blood pressure and it was elevated but not super high. Still way scary day for me. Luckily the pain dyed down after several hours. Maybe indigestion? lol! I am going to meet with my surgeon again to finalize any questions I have for her before I schedule my surgery. I also have an appointment with another vascular doctor and surgeon next week for two more opinions. Going to be a long next couple of weeks. I have been trying so hard not to really focus on the scariness of my aneurysm. Its hard not to think about it though. Its hard to forget you have a ticking time bomb that could go off any minute. Today I took the girls to the water park to try to distract me. It worked rather well until June almost drowned. I went straight to Target and bought her some floaties. Freaked me out! Well until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! Maybe we could practice meditation and visualization- are there classes for this? I'm here if you need me.
