Saturday, September 24, 2011

Nerves on End

My nerves feel raw as the time of surgery approaches. I have kept myself VERY busy that last couple of weeks. With project after project. Made some Halloween costumes, helped my grandma all week pack up and organize her home so they could move to California. (so sad) I have cleaned and organized closets, cabinets, food, and more. You would think I was nesting just before the birth of a baby or something. Yes I haven't had time to think about much more than projects. But tonight I am a little scared. I got word from my surgeon that my surgery was being rushed as fast as it could through the authorization process. The last thing is having Medicaids Dr. go through my info and authorize it. Hopefully that happens this week so I don't have to reschedule again. So we are just waiting and spending time together as a family as much as we can.

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