Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tomorrow is the big day!

Ok so I have totally been on the verge of puking all day because I am so nervous! I have pretty much gotten all the things done I needed to before tomorrow though which is good. I have never been so terrified in my life. Well maybe on the ride splash mountain... Happy singing woodland animals and BAM huge drop off. Stomach in your throat and butterflies in your tummy. Or you know that feeling you use to get when you snuck out of your room at night and then you got caught... Well thats how I feel. Tomorrow is the day I get the ticking time bomb of an aneurysm taken out of my body! But i will definitely be left with a battle wound. I googled it.. FYI don't google the surgery you are having....


This is a list of all my fears about tomorrow.. ( I am doing this purely for therapeutic therapy)

1- going into the operating room and saying something stupid and they put me under
2-pooping my pants during surgery (six hours is a LONG time)
3-being under for six hours
4-waking up in the middle of surgery.. It is close to Halloween
5-having someones hands inside my body pushing around my organs
6-my kidney physically being taking out of my body (what is someone drops it on the floor....and what kind of ice are they putting it on to keep it fresh)
7-waking up from surgery
8-sneezing while i have this wound
9-the catheter I will have all week and the fact that I will have a pee bag on the side of the bed where visitors can see my pee!
10- And last but not least what if my belly button is deformed after the huge incision heals....


  1. Scary. I will be one of those lucky ones who gets to see your pee. I hope. :) I love you and am thinking of you. Good luck sweety.

  2. Okay, so reading this is the first time I laughed since you went in yesterday morning for your surgery. Reminds me of why I love you and why you're such a huge and critical part of our family. I just want you to know I love you so much and am thinking of you/praying for you non-stop.
